Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Media - How is the news covered?

1.  What is the difference in news topics when viewing different sources?
2.  What impact does this have on people who follow the news?
FRQ (Test Part 1) tomorrow!
Key things to know:
  • Interest groups
    • How they influence elections?
    • Issue networks
    • Amicus curiae
    • Pluralism
  • Elections/Nomination Process
    • Types of primaries
      • Open, closed, direct, winner-take-all
    • Caucus
    • Superdelegates
    • Campaign strategy

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Interest Groups - Unions

1.  How do unions serve as interest groups? 
2.  Do unions play a role in your education? (Thanks, Thomas)
Due Dates:
  • Thursday - Interest Group Internet assignment
  • Friday- SC (NYT v. United States)
  • MONDAY - Chapter 10 Chart (now posted online)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Campaign Finance Notes

1.  How has campaign finanace evolved since 1974?
2.  Why was McCain-Feingold considered landmark legislation?
3.  What effect will Citizens' United have on future elections?

Due Dates: