Thursday, February 12, 2015

Finish Legislative Notes

For the quiz tomorrow you need to be able to recognize a description of the following:

Vice President

Senate Majority Leader                                      Speaker of the House

House Minority Leader                                       Chair of House Ways and Means Committee

Senate Minority Whip                                          Chair of the House Appropriations Committee

Senate Budget Committee                                  Chair of Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation

House Majority Whip                                           Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Senate Minority Leader                                      House Rules Committee

House Majority Leader                                       Chair of House Foreign Affairs Committee

House Minority Whip                                            Chair of House Judiciary Committee                 

President Pro Tempore                                       Caucus Chair

House Majority Whip                                           House Republican Conference

Due Dates:
  • Congress: Electoral Connection - Due Friday!
  • Legislative Branch test will be next Thursday or Friday!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Response Paper - Congress: Election Connection

Response Paper - Due Friday! Congress: The Electoral Connection can be found using the link, or on the website under "Legislative Branch."

In your reponse, address the following:
  • What is the thesis of this article?
  • Discuss/explain the concepts of advertising, credit claiming, position taking, and casework. Provide examples of each and how they play into the electoral process.
  • Is Mayhew's thesis correct? Again, provide specific examples support or refute his position.
  • Thanks and have a good day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mock Congress and Response Paper

We are almost done with MC.   Time to start moving on....

Response Paper -  Due Friday!  Congress: The Electoral Connection can be found using the link, or on the website under "Legislative Branch."

In your reponse, address the following:
  • What is the thesis of this article?
  • Discuss/explain the concepts of advertising, credit claiming, position taking, and casework.  Provide examples of each and how they play into the electoral process.
  • Is Mayhew's thesis correct?  Again, provide specific examples support or refute his position.
  • Thanks and have a good day.