Monday, September 29, 2014

Constitutional Amendment Convention

Begin our very own Constitutional Amendment Convention!

  • M-T-W in the computer lab to work with your groups on your amendment issue
  • Thursday - Groups present and vote on amendments.
  • See a copy of the assignment on the bottom of the webpage

Due Dates:
  • SC: Gibbons v. Ogden Friday

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Structure and Organization of the Constitution

How is our Constitution organized?
  •  Begin worksheet on structure and organization of our Constitution.

Due Dates:
  • McCulloch v. Maryland -  Thursday!

Monday, September 22, 2014


Seminar on Beard's Framing the Constitution

  • Peer reading
  • Group discussions
  • Focus Questions

The Marshall Court for Dummies

Due Dates:
  • McCulloch v. Maryland - Thursday

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Federalist Papers

How are the separation of powers maintained?
What was Madison trying to accomplish?

Read Federalist 10 and Federalist 51 (either in book, or search for them online)
  • Answer the questions that you received.  Due Friday

Due Dates:
  • Marbury v. Madison - Friday
  • Read Beard's "Framing the Consitution" for a seminar discussion on Monday.
    • Write a 1-page response to the reading. In your response, include the following:
      • What evidence does he use to support his thesis?
      • What is his definition of "elite"?
      • What problems led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention?
    • After reading repsonses, you will be put into groups to discuss this reading in further detail! YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS PIECE WELL!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Happy Constitution Day!

Why did the Anti-Federalist insist on a Bill of Rights?

  • Discuss amendment process

Due Dates:
  • Marbury v. Madison - Friday
  • Read Beard's "Framing the Consitution" for a seminar discussion on Monday. 
    • Write a 1-page response to the reading.   In your response, include the following:
      • What evidence does he use to support his thesis?
      • What is his definition of "elite"?
      • What problems led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention?
    • After reading repsonses, you will be put into groups to discuss this reading in further detail!   YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS PIECE WELL!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Constitution Day Eve

Only one more day....
Constitution Notes
  • Madisonian Model
Due Dates
  • Chapter 2 due tomorrow
  • Marbury v. Madison due Friday

Monday, September 15, 2014

We love the Constitution!

Begin Constitution notes

Assignment schedule:
  • Chapter 2 Due Wednesday
  • SC Case Marbury v. Madison Friday!
    • See the schedule HERE
  • Others TBD

Monday, September 8, 2014

Old Dead Guys!

Current Events:
  • US Bombing ISIS in Syria
  • "Now watch this drive." Lol. 

Political Philosophers Assignment here.

  • Which of these philosophers is the best?  Why?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Happy Friday!

Names in Government Speed Dating
  • Have your person preparded to meet and greet!

Next Week Assignments:
  • Chapter 1 Reading - Due Wednesday, 9-10
  • Chapter 1 Concept Chart - Due Wednesday, 9-10

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Ground Rules
  • Room tour
  • Class norms

What do you know about government?   Let's find out.  
  • Class Activity

Is America the greatest country in the world?

Assignment:  Write a 1-page essay on the question above.   Give evidence to support you claims.   We will be discussing these tomorrow in class.