Thursday, September 18, 2014

Federalist Papers

How are the separation of powers maintained?
What was Madison trying to accomplish?

Read Federalist 10 and Federalist 51 (either in book, or search for them online)
  • Answer the questions that you received.  Due Friday

Due Dates:
  • Marbury v. Madison - Friday
  • Read Beard's "Framing the Consitution" for a seminar discussion on Monday.
    • Write a 1-page response to the reading. In your response, include the following:
      • What evidence does he use to support his thesis?
      • What is his definition of "elite"?
      • What problems led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention?
    • After reading repsonses, you will be put into groups to discuss this reading in further detail! YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS PIECE WELL!

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