Thursday, October 16, 2014

Unit 1 Test - Part 2

Finish Unit 1 Test
  • Make arrangements with me if you havent completed the essays yet

Next Topic:
  • Political Socialization, Participation, and Public Opinion (Chapters 6-7)

Due Dates:
  • SC- Buckley v. Valeo on Friday
  • Concept Chart - Chapters 6 -7 Due Monday

For Tuesday:

We will be having a Socratic Seminar.   Each of you needs to prepare 1 question for each of the bullets below.    You may find it helpful to bring the data with you.   It's your call.  Each person will be required to ask questions, and in turn, answer other questions directed at you.  I will provide more details on Friday. 

Analyze: Turnout by Demographic Groups

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