Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Iowa Caucus Simulation

How does a caucus work?
Is this more effective than a primary?

Supreme Court is back on Friday - Buckley v. Valeo!  Check the updated schedule!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Elections and Parties

Finish Third Party Posters - Due Wednesday

Notes:  Intro to the Election Process.

What is the difference between a primary and a caucus?

Due Dates:

Chapter 6 RG - Due Tuesday!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Political Parties Readings

For Friday, you will need to read two articles from the New York Times.   

In a one page response, address the following topics:
  • What is the current state of each party?   How great are the differences in each?
  • How do these differences play a role in government/politics today?
  • Select 3 candidates (D or R) currently running for president and place them in their respective groupings within the party.   Explain why you placed them where you did.  
Thank you for your time.  Have a good day.   

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Public Opinion and Polling Assignment

Finish Part 1 of the Public Opinion assignment.
Begin Part 2 (Found on website).

SC is pushed back to next week.  We will be in the media center tomorrow to working on polling.   

Due Dates:
Chapter 3 RG - Due Monday
Polling Assignment - Due Monday. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Free Response Questions for Thursday

ESSAY TOPICS: You will be asked to do 2 of the three below….

  • Concepts of American Government (ie.  Separation of powers, republican government, checks and balances)

  • Federalism and the effects of factions

  • McCulloch vs. Maryland, Marbury v. Madison, Gibbons v. Ogden - Constitutional Questions/Issues/Decision

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Mock Court - McCulloch v. Maryland

Great job on our first court of the year!   The current court schedule is now posted on the website. Want more info on M v M?  Watch this video


  • Case: Gibbons v. Ogden
  • Mandates Project
Next week:
  • Test Tuesday!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Stages of Federalism

Finish Federalism Notes

  • Stages of Federalism
  • Devolution

For Monday: Federal Mandates Papers

  • Assignment is posted under Chapter 2 on the website.  Look for "Federal Mandates Papers."
  • Will will discuss progress when I return on Tuesday.

Federal Mandates Groups

Clean Air and Water:  Eby, Douros, Wilcosh, Whitten, Mohr, 
Americans with Disabilities Act: Silvers, Thayer, Taylor, Ray, Smith, Kurtiak
Brady Bill:  Warden, Lake, Pobocik, Shreve, Heron
No Child Left Behind: Carnes, McAuliffe, Grunow, Dow, Juratich
Defense of Marriage Act: Clinton, Warner, Crandell, Kerley, Golden

Welfare Reform Act: Garcia, Young, Benjamin, Gawthrop, Soto

Due Dates:

  • Chapter 2 RG - Tuesday
  • Federalism Scavenger Hunt - Tuesday

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Assignment/Project Introductions

Recap  of the day:

Current Events

  • Fill out the "Current Events" Google form on my blog.   Under "Link" on the top right hand side.  
    • Blue=Tuesday
    • Green=Thursday
  • Articles are due next week!

Mock Supreme Court
  • Teams of 3 were made
  • Court will begin next week with McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden

Federalism Scavenger Hunt
  • Assignment is found under Chapter 2 - Federalism
  • Be creative!  

Monday, October 5, 2015

Finish Amendment Presentations

  • Finish class presentations on proposed amendments
Due Dates:
  • Quiz Chapter 1 will be either W or Th!
  • Marbury v. Madison - Due Thursday
    • Open the file at the bottom of the page for instructions!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Introduction to the Constitution

US Constitution Study Guide
  • We will work on this again tomorrow.

1.  How is the Constitution structured?
2.  What are the defining principles of the Constitutions?

Due Dates:
  • Federalist Papers due Wednesday!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Debate Recap

2016 Political Fantasy Draft

  • Which candidates do you like?  Dont like?   
  • What will be your strategy in selecting your three candidates?
  • We will follow up with this assignment next week!

Due Dates:

Federalist Papers Assignment:
  • You will need to use the Googs to find copies of Federalist #10 and Federalist #51.
  • Once you have successfully completed that mission, you will need to answer the Federalist 10 and Federalist 51 questions found on the bottom of the webpage.   USE A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER FOR YOUR RESPONSES!
  • We will NOT be doing a class activity for these readings.  

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Finish Constitution Notes

Finish Constitution Notes

Tomorrow - Be prepared for our Socratic Seminar!   Read all or parts of the Beard article again to familiarize yourself with the content!

  • Think of other questions you may want to ask!

2016 Election Fantasy Draft -  Preview your choices tonight during the debate!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Constitutional Compromsies/Pre-Test

Today in class....

  • Discussion - Is Donald Trump for real?
  • Pre-Test
  • Constitution Notes
1.  What were the major compromises of the Constitution?

Due Dates:
  • Beard Reading Seminar has been moved to THURSDAY!   (See 9-11 blog for the assignment if you haven't started!)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Intro to the Constitution

Today's Lesson:
Finish Political Socialization Notes and begin Chapter 1 - The Constitution

Due Dates:
Beard Essay and Critique - Due Wednesday!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Political Socialization

Began Political Socialization Notes

What is our political culture?

Due Dates: 

  • Chapter 1 RG - Monday (9-14)

  • Read Beard's "Framing the Consitution" for a seminar discussion on Monday.
    • TYPE a 1-page response to the reading. In your response, include the following:
      • What evidence does he use to support his thesis?
      • What is his definition of "elite"?
      • What problems led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention?
    • After reading responses, you will be put into groups to discuss this reading in further detail! YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS PIECE WELL!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Foundations of Government

1.  What types of political philosophies were shared centuries ago?
2.   How do these philosophies fit in today's world?

Due Dates:
  • Chapter 1 RG due Monday, 9-14

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Finish Legislative Notes

For the quiz tomorrow you need to be able to recognize a description of the following:

Vice President

Senate Majority Leader                                      Speaker of the House

House Minority Leader                                       Chair of House Ways and Means Committee

Senate Minority Whip                                          Chair of the House Appropriations Committee

Senate Budget Committee                                  Chair of Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation

House Majority Whip                                           Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Senate Minority Leader                                      House Rules Committee

House Majority Leader                                       Chair of House Foreign Affairs Committee

House Minority Whip                                            Chair of House Judiciary Committee                 

President Pro Tempore                                       Caucus Chair

House Majority Whip                                           House Republican Conference

Due Dates:
  • Congress: Electoral Connection - Due Friday!
  • Legislative Branch test will be next Thursday or Friday!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Response Paper - Congress: Election Connection

Response Paper - Due Friday! Congress: The Electoral Connection can be found using the link, or on the website under "Legislative Branch."

In your reponse, address the following:
  • What is the thesis of this article?
  • Discuss/explain the concepts of advertising, credit claiming, position taking, and casework. Provide examples of each and how they play into the electoral process.
  • Is Mayhew's thesis correct? Again, provide specific examples support or refute his position.
  • Thanks and have a good day.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mock Congress and Response Paper

We are almost done with MC.   Time to start moving on....

Response Paper -  Due Friday!  Congress: The Electoral Connection can be found using the link, or on the website under "Legislative Branch."

In your reponse, address the following:
  • What is the thesis of this article?
  • Discuss/explain the concepts of advertising, credit claiming, position taking, and casework.  Provide examples of each and how they play into the electoral process.
  • Is Mayhew's thesis correct?  Again, provide specific examples support or refute his position.
  • Thanks and have a good day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Final Exam Review and SOTU

Two things for you government wizards out there:

1.  The final exam review is posted and can be found here.

2.  Also, tonight you will show your civic pride and watch the State of the Union Address.   To make things more interesting, we will be playing a class version "SOTU Bingo"   You will do this and you will love it.   Follow the directions we discussed in class.  If on the off chance you accidentially scheduled something else during this time, you can watch it on your own over the next few days.   I will award special prizes to those who successfully complete a BINGO!   Don't cheat.  The NSA has cameras in your house and they will pass that information on to me. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wag the Dog Writing Assignment

Discuss the following topics in a neatly done paper.   Be a champ.  Do it right.  Don't ask how long it needs to be either.   Answer the questions fully and completely and you will be fine!   This assignment is due MONDAY!

1.  The movie begins with words, "Why does a dog wag it's tail?   Because a dog is smarter than it's tail.   If the tail were smarter, it would wag the dog."    Explain these opening lines.   What does in mean in politics to "wag the dog?"  Who is the tail and who is the dog?

2.  In the movie, the producer says, "We remember the slogans, but we don't remember the war."   Is this true, find a historical example either mentioned in the movie or on your own that proves this line true.

3.  Bill Clinton was accused of "wagging the dog" several times during his administration.  Read the following CNN story and explain how he may have done so.  Clinton - Wag the Dog?   Find other resources if needed to complete your response. 

4.  The movie is ficticious.   However, how easy or difficult would it be to pull off a scenario similar to what appeared in the movie?     Is the media part of the problem or part of the solution?   How does this movie make you feel about politics in general?