Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wag the Dog Writing Assignment

Discuss the following topics in a neatly done paper.   Be a champ.  Do it right.  Don't ask how long it needs to be either.   Answer the questions fully and completely and you will be fine!   This assignment is due MONDAY!

1.  The movie begins with words, "Why does a dog wag it's tail?   Because a dog is smarter than it's tail.   If the tail were smarter, it would wag the dog."    Explain these opening lines.   What does in mean in politics to "wag the dog?"  Who is the tail and who is the dog?

2.  In the movie, the producer says, "We remember the slogans, but we don't remember the war."   Is this true, find a historical example either mentioned in the movie or on your own that proves this line true.

3.  Bill Clinton was accused of "wagging the dog" several times during his administration.  Read the following CNN story and explain how he may have done so.  Clinton - Wag the Dog?   Find other resources if needed to complete your response. 

4.  The movie is ficticious.   However, how easy or difficult would it be to pull off a scenario similar to what appeared in the movie?     Is the media part of the problem or part of the solution?   How does this movie make you feel about politics in general? 


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